Downtown Bicycle Rental, Inc.


Current March Hours: 10:30 am - 6:30 pm.

333 W. 4th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501


Summer Hours: 8 am - 11 pm.

Winter Rental Rates

Studded Tire FAT and PLUS Bikes:

Weekday: first 4 hours: $30, then $4, $3, $2, $1 for subsequent hours.

Weekend: first 4 hours: $35, then $4, $3, $2, $1 for subsequent hours. 

24 hours:  Weekday - $45. 
Saturday or Sunday - $55.

Week - $175. ($25 per day.)

Deduct $5 for studded tire Plus and 20" wheel studded Kids FAT bikes. 

Winter Rental Bike

To reserve a winter bike for today or tomorrow, text 907-250-1170.  To reserve for the day after tomorrow and beyond click here to email with online form.

Studded tire ELECTRIC FAT AND PLUS  bikes.

Weekday: First 4 hours - $45 then $4, $3, $2, $1 for subsequent hours.

Weekend: First 4 hours - $50 then $4, $3, $2, $1 for subsequent hours. 

24 hours: Weekday - $60
Sat or Sunday - $75 for 24 hours.

• Free lock, helmet, map, repair kit, directions, suggestions, rack & frame bags, repair kit.

• Car bike rack - $5 per day.

• Pogies - $5 per day.

Nearby Winter Trails

   "Middle Earth" trail  - Kincaid Park 

Tony Knowles Coastal Trail.
Trail starts 5 blocks from our store.

"Jeff's Woop Woop" trail - Hillside.