Downtown Bicycle RENTAL, Sales and Repair

November/Winter Hours: Open: 10 am - Close: 6 pm. Open Every Day

Downtown Bicycle Rental, Inc.


Current March Hours: 10:30 am - 6:30 pm.

333 W. 4th Avenue, Anchorage, AK 99501


Summer Hours: 8 am - 11 pm.


This five-mile paved east-west trail is in the bottom of the valley between midtown and downtown. Trail follows creek. Tube tunnels under roads to University of Alaska. At UAA, choose between Midtown Circuit or Campbell Creek Trail.  

CHESTER CREEK TRAIL DIRECTIONS: From the lagoon, bike east toward mountains. During the first four miles the trail has seven tunnels so you never have to cross a road.  After the seventh tunnel bear right at each of the two triangle intersections and go over a long pedestrian bridge ocver Northern Lights Blvd.  Take a RIGHT after this bridge.  This puts you into the parking lot of Goose Lake, Anchorage's most popular outdoor swim spot.  (Note the high voltage power lines strung across the lake not far from the swim spot.)  Re-enter the trail at left side of parking lot and ride around the lake.  Exit the trail to the left at your first paved exit into the parking lot of a fancy modern building.  You're now on the campus of the University of Alaska, Anchorage.  Check out the library.  It curves and it leans in. It has a Foulcot pendulum.  In front of hospital, choose between Midtown Circuit and Campbell Creek Trail.

 RIGHT on Providence Drive.  Use bike path buffered from road. Cross Lake Otis Blvd.  Ride on sidewalk. Now you’re on 36th Avenue. Cross Seward Hwy.  Perhaps stop at Loussac Library between Denali & A. Perhaps visit Midtown Park behind Library.  Return downtown on Midtown bike path buffered from A Street.